Call Me Oppa PDF
I'm Celia, a former pre-med student and bored waitress who's on the fast track to nowhere. In between shifts and staring at my almost empty fridge, I write cheesy fanfiction featuring my favorite K-pop group Afternoon 4 and hope for something to change my life. Little do I know that I would find that life-changing something during a shift and meet the members of Afternoon 4 in the freaking flesh. ...

Isla Chiu - Call Me Oppa

Call Me Oppa

Isla Chiu

Google Play

Publicado por
StreetLib eBooks



I'm Celia, a former pre-med student and bored waitress who's on the fast track to nowhere. In between shifts and staring at my almost empty fridge, I write cheesy fanfiction featuring my favorite K-pop group Afternoon 4 and hope for something to change my life. Little do I know that I would find that life-changing something during a shift and meet the members of Afternoon 4 in the freaking flesh. And imagine my absolute shock when I find out that one of them wants me. 
***A sweet and sexy story with an alpha male idol, insta-love, and a happy ending!***

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