My Unique Ability PDF
My name is Adam Schroeder.I have low-spectrum Autism and I also have a learning disability. But even with this I still strive to do my best in whatever I do. During my lifetime it has been a struggle. I did public performances when I was in school. I played the piano and I did the yo-yo. Now I am excited to dive into the wonderful world of poetry to tackle this fine art of words that have a lot of...

Adam Schroeder Joel - My Unique Ability

My Unique Ability

Adam Schroeder Joel

Google Play

Published by
StreetLib eBooks



My name is Adam Schroeder.I have low-spectrum Autism and I also have a learning disability. But even with this I still strive to do my best in whatever I do. During my lifetime it has been a struggle. I did public performances when I was in school. I played the piano and I did the yo-yo. Now I am excited to dive into the wonderful world of poetry to tackle this fine art of words that have a lot of meaning behind them, especially when people out there are struggling like I did.I am pleased to share my talent with everyone who reads this book. I really care about the impact the world has on people today, so I hope with strong conviction that my poems will ensure everyone with true satisfaction and certainty as we all strive to do our best in this world, come what may!

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