Waiting Upon the Lord PDF
"...And when they gathered around Him, He instructed them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father's Promise..."1:4 in Acts When God planned mankind's redemption, He did so in a spectacular way. He did not send down lightning bolts from the skies, nor did He send down earthquakes to rock the earth, nor did He appoint an angelic council to devise the plan of redemption. God simply placed ...

Barbara Smith - Waiting Upon the Lord

Waiting Upon the Lord

Barbara Smith

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Published by
StreetLib eBooks



"...And when they gathered around Him, He instructed them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father's Promise..."1:4 in Acts When God planned mankind's redemption, He did so in a spectacular way. He did not send down lightning bolts from the skies, nor did He send down earthquakes to rock the earth, nor did He appoint an angelic council to devise the plan of redemption. God simply placed a child in the womb of a poor virgin and waited. If waiting is in God's nature, it should be in ours as well. God, on the other hand, has perfected the art of waiting—we haven't. Waiting means remaining in a location until an expected event occurs or until someone comes. It is to remain still until it is our moment to act. Waiting is the act of remaining patiently hopeful that something will happen shortly. God's children rarely stay put, and we frequently and impatiently act out of turn, missing out on the chance to receive God's best for our life. When King David said, "I understand the spiritual significance of waiting," he was expressing his understanding of the spiritual significance of waiting.

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