Reverse Speech in Theory & Practice PDF
Reverse Speech in Theory and Practice was written over a 4 year period and details how one may use their Unconscious Mind to predict the outcome of Horse Races, or any other venue they desire. Written by Joshua Schmude, a student of David John Oates and certified Reverse Speech Analyst, this book takes the reader on a spiritual quest, discovering the latent powers residing within their own Soul....

Joshua Schmude - Reverse Speech in Theory & Practice

Reverse Speech in Theory & Practice

How To Use Your Unconscious Mind To Predict The Outcome Of Future Events

Joshua Schmude

Google Play

Published by
StreetLib eBooks



Reverse Speech in Theory and Practice was written over a 4 year period and details how one may use their Unconscious Mind to predict the outcome of Horse Races, or any other venue they desire. Written by Joshua Schmude, a student of David John Oates and certified Reverse Speech Analyst, this book takes the reader on a spiritual quest, discovering the latent powers residing within their own Soul.

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