Lucy Hook - Star Scar
Star Scar
Lucy Hook
With unchanging blood and passion, the most magnificent interstellar war of the future will be poured out, and with the most ruthless strategy and conquest, the eternal dignity of mankind will be defended, and the dream belongs to everyone who is willing to create it with both hands, no matter whether it's a game or a reality. When mankind faced the invasion of alien races, both sides in space launched a continuous twenty years of fierce battle, in order not to cause social unrest, resulting in the collapse of the economy, the army and the government to the public to hide this fact. But war is brutal and requires the consumption of a large amount of supplies not to mention a large number of specialized talents. So ...... the military invested huge sums of money to put the simulation training pods they use to train space fighter pilots into the civilian world, firing up a competitive game that claims to be one hundred percent true to the original space fighter class.